OneWeek100Peope2025 - It's a wrap!

March 10, 2025 | 1 Comment

What a week! There is something very special about the OneWeek100People challenge and this year was no exception!

I loved seeing people’s work on Instagram and especially inside my Sketching Adventure Community on Patreon (the perfect place to share!) It was also great seeing Marc post lots of watercolour work to Instagram and Suhita hosting daily zoom sessions. So much going on!

I had a jam-packed schedule without much sketching time, so I knew that I had to be strategic about how I approached it this year. So I decided to work small and fit the 100 people into one double-page spread in my 8×10 softcover Alpha sketchbook. I chose a limited palette and two different media (watercolour pencil and markers) and designed a grid to fill up. If you are part of the Sketching Adventure Community, I explained details of my process and decisions during Friday’s update video.

In terms of how I made it to 100 last week, it was a combination of

  1. from photos (this was good to get me warmed up on Monday morning)
  2. on the train (only did a few as I didn’t want to sketch the back of heads!)
  3. outside my local supermarket
  4. sitting on Town Hall Steps in Sydney City
  5. two different positions in the Westfield Level 5 food court.

Surprisingly, I didn’t do any cafe sketching this year. My new local cafe is small and doesn’t have a lot of seating options, and I think choosing good locations is essential to making this challenge more doable. Not only do I want to be in a place with lots of people, I also like to sit where I can see people from multiple angles. Locations 3-5 above were perfect for that.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the challenge this year. I hope you had as much fun as I did!

Finally,  just a little update on my Sydney workshop which I announced last week. It’s now fully booked so I’ve started a waitlist for anyone interested in attending. It is possible that there will be some movement making a spot will become available in coming weeks so it’s definitely worth signing up for the waitlist. Join the waitlist here.


1 Comment

  • Martine says:

    Such a fun collection! I managed to get to a 100 and sketched way more people live then I did last year. I did stick to fountain pen mostly, next year I’ll try some colour.

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