Melbourne2024: Food sketches

July 22, 2024 | 18 Comments

Melbourne is known for its cafe culture – great coffee and food – and so cafe sketching is always a big part of a visit.

As mentioned in my previous Melbourne article, I’m not going to be sharing every sketch from my recent trip as I was filming (with Chantal’s help) for my new course – Travel Sketching. So, in today’s article, I will put together my food sketches from the period when we were focused on the new course.

All of these sketches were done while I was with Chantal and some other friends over three days. It looked like I ate a lot of food, but really, it wasn’t that much! (I often only eat half of what I draw – sharing the other half with others.)

Aside: Sketching my coffee and food is an important part of travel sketching as it’s a time when I’m sitting down in comfort and can easily get my watercolour palette out..

When I’m with friends (non-sketching friends in particular), they normally get out their phones so I then have time to sketch without appearing rude. (Just for the record I check my phone too, but it’s normally a brief look before opening up my sketchbook!)

If I’m traveling solo, sketching my food is a good way to occupy myself when eating on my own (my sketchbook becomes my companion). It often results in making new friends (sometimes even free food!). I used to find going out for dinner on my own a bit awkward, but now it doesn’t bother me at all!

Before sharing my food sketches I have to issue a warning: Don’t look at this blog article on an empty stomach! 🙂

Brunch on Day 1 at Time-Lapse Brewers.

After a big filming session (4 demos!) we treated ourselves to afternoon tea at a very well-known spot – Brunetti – and then went out to do some more filming.

A fun Spanish dinner – my sketches got looser when the shared mains came out as the food was disappearing fast.

Here is a closeup of the croquettes.

This was the moment in the trip when I switched from the small palette to my normal palette. My washes with the waterbrush immediately improved. See more in this article.

Day 2: Morning coffee. I wanted to try Traveller Coffee, but there were too many people waiting. So, we went to an institution instead – Pelligrinis. We sat outside to drink and sketch, which is pretty amazing for a Sydneysider visiting Melbourne in winter!

After a morning sketching session, we walked up to Fitzroy, and I had my second coffee and a pastry. Some nice watercolour magic is happening, huh?

BTW, unless I say otherwise, all sketches are done with a waterbrush.

More talking, walking, sketching, filming and a visit to an art store. It was then time for lunch!

I particularly like this little sketch of our smoothies.

Some more filming and then we walked a long way to find somewhere for a late afternoon tea – somewhere that served tea (and not just coffee).

After all our filming in the last few days, I was pretty tired. So, at dinner, I didn’t sketch each plate of food!

Day 3: It’s quite funny that we had to walk around for 30 minutes to find somewhere for breakfast. There are lots of great hole-in-the-wall ‘brew bars’ in Melbourne – but they only serve coffee and don’t have comfortable places to sit. In the end, we stopped at Urban Deli and sat outside in the sun.

After doing two more mini-demos, we went off to another cafe!

I have lovely memories of hanging out at the Auction Rooms in past Melbourne visits.

More food… and sketches of the views while catching up with Angela and Rooi from Sydney.

So there you have it – a food diary from a few days filming demos for my upcoming Travel Sketching course. Thanks to Chantal for all her help – we got so much done in only 3 days!

I can’t wait to share with you all these demos in the new course.

Find out about the Travel Sketching course here!


  • Misty says:

    These waterbrush sketches are looking great, Liz! Excited for the new class!

  • Linda Arthur says:

    So nice to see fresh new sketches and paint.

  • Jamie C says:

    Such fantastic food! The sketches really make the food a star of the trip! You have certainly achieved mastery of the water brush, seeing those gorgeous washes!

  • Mercedes Walton says:

    Can’t wait to visit Melbourne in December from Toronto and to finally meet up with Cathryn A! Looks like we will have an amazing selection of bistros from which to choose! And I will be testing my waterbrush as well! Thank you, Liz and Chantal

    • Liz Steel says:

      Oh that is very cool Mercedes – and to meet up with Cathyrn as well. Yes you will have plenty of choice!

  • Celeste U says:

    Love your food sketches! Please don’t apologize for how much food you did or didn’t eat. Anyone feeling the need to judge you for the quantity or variety of what you’ve sketched should reconsider their own relationship with food.

  • Lois Courtright says:

    Looking forward to your new class, because watching you sketch is so super fun!

    Thank you, Liz and Chantal, for all your hard work!

    And the coffeeeee sketches—deeeeelightful!!!

  • Liz Wilde says:

    Beautiful food sketches Liz. So lively – very impressed with the magic you got with your water brush! Something to master one day hopefully…
    I love sketching food – feels low risk and more fun than full scenes for me at the moment – and a great opportunity for lots of colour. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Liz Steel says:

      Hi Liz – it certainly took me time to get waterbrush results that I’m happy with. And yes food is low risk and good for colour (especially cake!) I’ll be focusing on scenes in the new course and make them more low risk!

  • Kate Powell says:

    Yes, BUT… what did you get at the art store?

    • Liz Steel says:

      Hi Kate – nothing new and exciting – just a different grade Aquarelle Graphite and a finer waterbrush (which I didn’t end up using!)

  • Sue Cepin says:

    These are so fun to see! I love all the white space you wove into your sketches.

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