Thinking about edges while sketching a teacup

June 16, 2021 | Leave your thoughts

Last week during the first livestream of the current Edges Group Run-through, I discussed four versions of my Royal Albert, 1940s English Chintz cup. Afterwards, I decided to get the cup out and have another go. I’m not sure that I’ve ever done a direct watercolour version, so that is what I did this morning.

In the first lesson of Edges, we’re thinking about distinguishing between edges that describe a change in plane, those that describe a change in colour and those that represent both a change in plane and in colour. Understanding the difference between these types of edges can help us decide what to draw in ink and what to do in paint when we are working in ink and wash.

This is one of the versions that I discussed in the Edges livestream last week. It is the most detailed teacup sketch I’ve ever done, and the one that took the longest. But in terms of edges it is significant as it represents exactly the same treatment of the changes in plane (the cup and saucer) and the changes in colour (the pattern).

This version, on the other hand, prioritises changes in colour and is less concerned with describing all the changes in plane. So not all of the edges of the saucer and cup are drawn and the main focus is the shadow area on the right side of the cup and saucer.

As for today’s sketch… where does it sit in relation to the other versions?

I’m looking forward to talking about it in tonight’s livestream 🙂 How is that for a tease? Seriously, I‘m interested to hear your thoughts about it in the comment section below.

Ah! I love thinking about the concepts inside the Edges course and it’s super motivating to be revisiting them in such an interactive way during this Group Run-through. In the coming week I’ll be exploring my local area to find some good examples for the first outdoor exercise.

It’s not too late to join! Find out more about the course here.

If you have signed up to Edges previously you have free access to this Group Run-through – simply go to the Edges (Self Directed) course.


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