Davidson Park looking at trees and a Folio update
Palladio's Villas Week 3: Some favourites in new colours as well as lost and found edges
Early morning flowers and a flip-though of Sketchbook 146
Palladio's Villas Week 2: From farm buildings to Baroque mansions
Virtual Brussels sketching
Lots of everyday sketching!
Sketching my workspace
A simple page that feels good
Another lockdown project: Sketching through Palladio's villas in order
How Sketchbook Design (the course) changed the design of my sketchbook pages
Identifying plants and using a waterbrush
June 2021 Roundup (and some more new art supplies to test out)
30x30 Direct watercolour 2021: The rest
Thoughts on my everyday sketching after my big road trip
Using my sketchbook to get organised!