Most popular articles in 2017

January 2, 2018 | 4 Comments

The most popular articles for 2017 (in terms of the number of views) are as follows.

  1. My 2017 watercolour palette
  2. My basic 12 colour palette (updated for Watercolour course)
  3. Getting things done, deep work and bullet journals
  4. One week 100 people challenge
  5. My travel Sketching Kit and Workshop stuff
  6. My new favourite daily sketchbook
  7. Sketching People: My Strategy – hurray! the first article about sketching
  8. Foundations Friday 2017: Lesson 1 – Knowing (and loving) your materials – although about materials, this article does contain some sketches of mine
  9. French Ultramarine vs Ultramarine Blue

I’m not suprised that the most viewed articles are about materials, as I have known for a long time that people are obssessed with buying new art supplies.

The articles that mean the most to me in 2017 are a little different.

I love doing my trip reflections articles. This year I had 4 trips so I had lots to reflect on!


A summary of my big breakthrough with sketching people.


Reports of three super fun workshops which I taught.  I’m always suprised by the work done.


A big day for me (and I was so touched my all the nice comments!)


Just for fun


Two articles which were a challenge to write. The first because of the tough times I was going through – I was blown away by the supportive comments. The second because I felt a bit self-conscious about the experience!


And if you missed it… my big end of year article.


  • Sandra de says:

    Wow Liz, what an achievement and as one of your students in both real time and online a big thank you for sharing your expertise and the time and amazing effort your put into your blog, teaching and IG. it has been an absolute pleasure to learn from you. Looking forward to next weeks class 🙂

    • Oh thanks Sandra!!! Sending you a big hug. Can’t wait for next week either – though still have a heap to do!

  • It’s really interesting doing the analysis – and producing a summary! Plus a chance for people to revisit old favourites and check out ones they missed!

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