PMQ2024: A day without an agenda

December 11, 2024 | 5 Comments

On the third day of my recent Port Macquarie trip, I was totally on my own and without a plan! 

My holidays/vacations normally are filled with must-do/sketch lists, so it was lovely to have a day without an agenda. I ended up spending my time at beaches and cafes! How surprising! 🙂

I often find that I achieve more when I take the pressure off. And that proved true on this day – I visited three different beaches (sketching at each) and two cafes!

I started the day walking to Flynns Beach via Nobbys Beach. It was an overcast day, and I sat on one of the rocks on the beach and sketched Nobby Point.

It wasn’t the best day to decide to go walking – rain was on the way. But because I didn’t have an agenda, I was able to wait until the rain stopped before walking back!

This is a photo of Flynn Beach showing the rocky outcrop in the middle of the beach that I’m obsessed with!

The cafe at Flynns – Sandbox – is very popular, so I was happy that there was a spare table when I arrived. Here is a photo of the table just before I started eating my ‘smashed avo’.

Note: I often simply capture some general outlines/big shapes on my page before starting to eat my meal. I then complete the sketch by referring to a photo after I’ve finished eating my meal. I would like to sketch more before I start eating, but the quality of the meal (and eating it hot) is more important to me. You will notice that I usually finish my sketch of the coffee before drinking, though I do have a sip or two while sketching!



Here is the finished sketch and some swatches I did on the side of the page (while the rain was coming down!)


After returning to my Airbnb, I got in my car and drove to Shelly Beach. I sketched this from the car.



And then I ended up at another cafe! The staff at Bandwagon is super nice. The guys said to me, ” You can come back anytime!”


Here is a photo of the table just before I started packing up.


And then I returned to Flynns to do a coloured sketch of the rocky outcrop.

Once again, I used my car bonnet/hood as my work surface.

Here is the finished sketch.

I filled another two spreads of my sketchbook later that afternoon/evening with a few tests.

I felt really relaxed after this day of sketching!


  • Lois Courtright says:

    Lovely day, lovely sketches!

    The light blue/turquoise you used at
    The Bandwagon on the plate and coffee cup and saucer—so delightful!!

    Thank you, Liz!!!

  • Mary Giedraitis says:

    These sketches are spectacular (as usual). The granulation you achieved in the sky in the one of the rocky outcrop is stunning! Thanks for sharing these Liz!

  • Judy Kistler-Robinson says:

    I’m really curious about what you used on the test swatches! We’re these a combination of Neocolor and water added? They are really wonderful!

  • Sandie Ingram says:

    So nice to see you relaxed and enjoying yourself. Your sketches show that no pressure time you had. Beautiful sketches, as always.

  • lise gauthier says:

    hi Liz,
    I love so much particulary pages with tests swatches random
    A good idea to add at aketchbook design pages
    I like to fellow you!
    Great inspiration!
    Thanks so much!
    Lise G.

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