Playing with colour and texture

October 11, 2023 | 8 Comments

I know that I haven’t been sharing my everyday sketching much lately… but it’s still going on in the background. I’m continuing to go out for a morning walk, coffee and sketch, and I’m still drawing my local Village Green over and over.

I’m also continuing to use my Village Green work for experimentation and mixing media. I’m a bit bored with the views but I love the neverending options for playing with colour and texture. The goal of these morning sessions is simply to get my creative juices flowing – I’m not trying to create a ‘good’ sketch.

In the past week I’ve gotten back to combining NeoColorII and watercolour and each day I’m trying a different combo. I haven’t had much time lately so most of my sketches have been completed in under 10 minutes.

And so today I’m just sharing three cropped views showing some of the colour and textures I’ve achieved.




  • Jan says:

    These sketches really capture my attention. Do you have any videos demonstrating your process using this combination? If not could you do even a brief one.? So far my attempts have left hard edges between the Neocolor !! and regular watercolour.
    Thank you. Jan

  • Lois Courtright says:

    Your sketches, colors and lines here and there, are such an inspiration and joy!!

    Thank you, Liz!

  • Jamie C says:

    Such gorgeous color and texture! Is the neocolor adding so much of that granulation? I’ve not worked much with NeocolorII but it might be a good option with those kind of results! Is it a short trip to your local green? I keep thinking how do you make the time?

    • Liz Steel says:

      Hi Jamie – the granulation is still watercolour – the rough texture is created by the neocolor strokes. This is a tricky combo and goes against some of the general rules of watercolour so I’m not actually recommending it – but it’s something crazy that I’m personally enjoying at the moment.

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