Paris Day 02 - Monet, The Louvre and Le Select

December 9, 2009 | Leave your thoughts

Day 2 – another map showing how far we walked! Very much out of scale especially south of the Sienne.

First stop Monet!

It was hard to know how to do a sketch in here – so we decided on the doorway. Eza was still going on her version so I decided to study one of the waterlilies while scribbling with pencils – this is a case where the process is far more important than the end result!

We sat for an hour sketching – after the Opera on Day 1 so we needed to continue choosing the most ‘fun’ (complicated) buildings we could. No way I was going to attempt adding watercolour pencil to this one… Missing my paint tin but it is nice to have a B&W sketch.

This is one of the rare sketches that I did a mud map for before sketching – see next sketch.

On the left is the mud map that I did before starting my sketch. Although this took a while it made the actual sketch heaps easier. My goal of the trip was to draw the correct number of modillions – I have realised that it is not that hard – just got to work out how many per bay.
On the right – really didn’t have time for this but I just had to record in sketch where we had lunch in passing…missing my paints but our next stop was going to be an art store and after that….

One of the highlights of my trip  was our visit to Le Select! To meet Rick Tulka.

Wow! seeing these in real life was SPECIAL!!!

Borromini was very excited when Rick organised this photo!


Got a new paint tin from an art store just around the corner from Le Select and between all the chatting looking at sketchbooks I managed to open my three favourite colour paints and draw my cup of earl grey in Le Select.
I think it is very significant that the first two sketches I did with my new paints was 1. a cup of earl grey tea
2. a baroque building

Then my next two paintings were
3. food
4. my paint tin / palette.


How’s that for a Liz-collection of work!

But to get back to our adventures… while sketch Hotel des Invalides it started to rain… and rain and rain. And guess what we walked back ‘home’. Crazy.


But no matter how tired or how wet I was I was just so happy to have paints again!


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