Very very happy but TOTALLY exhausted after the two-day Expressive Urban Sketching Workshop teaching with Paul Wang and an amazing group from all over Australia and a USKer from Canada.
Such a blast! I am just way too tired tonight to try to find the right words to describe the creative buzz of the last few days…the wonderful group we had, the work they produce, the fun we all had, the setting of the island, and the weather.
The whole 2 days were so wonderful but the craziest moment for me was doing a combined demo with Paul this afternoon… I started, Paul did commentary and made a few suggestions, then added some unexpected bits and then finished off. So so much fun.. this is the final painting.
(BTW this was the first time painting on an easel ever in my life and it was unbelievable to work with Paul like this! We also got quite a few onlookers as well – the island was full of people visiting the Biennale of Sydney.)
1 Comment
I could feel the enthusiasm and creativity when I caught up with the group at lunch and after the workshops. I am particularly excited that the time dropped by yesterday was the moment of your combined painting ! You were just completing a section and Splash Master Paul was encouraged to add to it. A crazy time !
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