A High Tea Birthday Party
A wonderful afternoon with girl friends.(click on image to view larger) Was hard to sketch as well as eat and talk to everyone! But I think that I ate less because I was drawing.
CONTINUE READINGA wonderful afternoon with girl friends.(click on image to view larger) Was hard to sketch as well as eat and talk to everyone! But I think that I ate less because I was drawing.
CONTINUE READINGI’m participating in the thing-a-day challenge and have ended up drawing a lot of tea cups in the past week. As a general rule, I find that I often draw my cups of tea and coffee (especially when out with friends) but got the idea of recording every cup in my life after being inspired...
CONTINUE READINGQuick sketch in the car on the way to work this morning (drawn and coloured at red lights) while listening to the latest news from the horrific bush fire disaster in Victoria. Current figure is 173 deaths and over 700 homes totally destroyed and the fires are still burning. The worst natural disaster in the...
CONTINUE READINGAnother building in my 101 series – this one was really way to hard for my to do justice to on a Friday night, after a busy few days at work, while half watching tennis and listening to cricket – at the same time! Special thanks to Gerard Michel who kindly sent me some...
CONTINUE READINGAustralia Day – a morning sketching in a park on the outskirts of Sydney with its own historic homestead and farming displays. A lovely relaxing morning – it was especially nice to sit in a shady arbour and sketch Netherby Homestead. Morning Tea would not have won any catering awards but it was delightfully...
CONTINUE READINGWas hoping to go sketching today – but no way in this heat. Even sitting inside in an air conditioned room (AC is struggling today) the heat coming in the window was not really pleasant – dread to think how much heat will be radiating from that long driveway later in the afternoon. I just...