Last month I shared a number of quotes that have really helped me in the last three years as I try to work out a way to support myself doing what I love. One of those was “Blogging is never a waste of time” and I promised that I would come back to this in more detail.
So today I want to share seven thoughts about (serious) blogging and in particular how it relates to my vision for this blog as we begin 2016. Just for the record, I will try to stick to my quota of seven items today! And yes, this is another long post, but its the last of these for a while.
1. Why I love blogging
A few of many reasons:
- Whenever I sketch I have lots of ideas in my head and it is great to have a format where I can record these. I don’t see blogging (scanning, writing and posting) as an additional step but as the last part of the whole process. The sketch isn’t finished till it’s posted!
- The fact that I hope to share ‘every’ sketch means that I’m less likely to give up if it’s not going well. It’s not a hard and fast rule to post everything, and it’s certainly not a burden, but my intention becomes a motivation.
- I love the documentation of my process and get much benefit from re-reading old posts – reinforcing the idea that my creative journey is a spiral. I wrote more about this here.
- The discipline of writing my art thoughts spurs me on to my ideas and ways of further developing my work.
- I think that blogging as part of my typical workday has a direct correlation with my ‘previous life’ as an architect. The core of my work was producing documents that I then sent on to clients, planners, builders etc with a written explanation. This combined story of images and text is second nature to me and in a way, preparing a blog post each day is like my personal ticking the box that I have achieved something today!
2. Why I don’t think blogs are dead
I started sharing online in 2008 when people had a personal blog and/or a Flickr account. Along came Facebook and much of the sketching community moved there and it’s certainly made the community more active. Now with Instagram and numerous other platforms, it has never been easier to take a photo on your smartphone, add some words and share with the world. This means those personal blogs are now too much hard work and as a rule are they are no longer the best way to share daily images with a few thoughts.
I still think nothing beats blogs:
- For combining a series of images with text
- For people who want to write more about their art
- For detailed reviews and instructional posts (note: video is the next big threat to blogs (Vlogs) in this regard but I think there will always be writers!)
- And perhaps the biggest advantage of all is the ability to revisit good articles – it is so hard to find stuff on FB (if not impossible).
So I think that blogs these days are all about more planned, detailed content and as a result, having a good archive system is very desirable. I know, I don’t have this yet (although I do continually add links to my Current Sketching Tools page!) but it is one of my big projects for 2016.
3. Blogging is a huge commitment
If you haven’t noticed, December was a mega month for me. I worked exclusively on my blog (back of house stuff and creating content). I could write a separate post on why I did this!
It takes a lot of time to write more than a few sentences and post an image – and I am more and more appreciative of the time ANYONE takes to put a blog post together – especially those that have busy full time jobs and family commitments.
The scanning and photo editing is a huge job in itself, but the time taken to think of ideas, formulate and compose the text should never be underestimated. I used to allow 2 hours per day for blogging, but that is often not enough – some posts take 4 hours, 1 day or 3 days (those Fountain Pen posts were in this later category). At some stage what was once a journally hobby starts to look like work.
I have done a lot of research into the methods of full time bloggers in other industries (who blog as a career!) and a lot of them stress that to get serious, you must work to a blog schedule. I certainly do some scheduling, but also like to allow for spontaneous posting. December’s ‘serious blogging’ season made me realise that what I love most about blogging is the spontaneity of writing about what I sketch – so too much scheduling could easily kill the joy for me.
Do I ever run out of ideas? No way! I am bursting at the seams with ideas, have a long list of things that I want to write about, and am constantly prompted with more ideas by the comments/ questions of my readers.
4. How to make a living out of blogging
Okay, lets get to the nitty gritty (and potentially controversial!) Can someone possibly support themselves by sharing free content?
There are a few established methods of generating income from blogging:
1. Advertising (sidebar ads)
2. Sponsored posts (get paid to using a company’s product)
3. Affiliate Links (get a % if a reader clicks through and makes a purchase based on your recommendation)
4. Subscription (provide addition content for a paid monthly subscription)
5. Marketing for your product.
A few comments:
1. Completely out for me – there is no way that I want ads on my personal blog.
2. This might work well for food/lifestyle bloggers who can make use of the products in a way that is a good fit, but I think it is less appropriate to the art/sketching world.
3. I am still thinking though this but I think it is best suited to someone that does a lot of product reviews – such as ‘the review king’ Parkablogs!
4. Whilst on one level this makes a lot of sense, I worry that as per above, it could kill the joy of blogging, and I know many readers wouldn’t like it. Not to mention the fact that the whole concept of blogging has been to provide free regular ‘web-logs’.
5. This is what I am left with….
Now, I might be opening a can of worms discussing this! Some of you will be thinking I am nuts not to set up some affiliate links and others might be shuddering at the mention of income and marketing and thinking “its all making blogging and/or sketching too commercial”. Other people question whether the content is biased or not when there is any kind of sponsorship. There are a lot of things to be considered!
But like many other full time artists, I am simply trying to make a living doing what I love. I am not trying to create a mega business, but there is no doubt that starting to use the word ‘business’ in regard to what I do, has helped me to become more efficient and to focus on strengthening what I love to do (my brand).
I have observed in some other industries (lifestyle, food, sewing) how bloggers who become very successful lose their personal voice and their blogs, if maintained at all, become nearly all advertising – the person has been lost in the success. I am very conscious of this danger however it’s always inevitable in some degree with growth and development.
5. Social Media Marketing
This is another big topic but a few quick thoughts:
- There are plenty of social media experts out there, and business coaches who will tell you how you ‘should’ use social media, but as someone that has been learning the ropes on the ground, building my ‘platform’ over many years of copious posting, I am trusting my instinct more and more. I have been greatly encouraged by the approach to blogging (and small business) of Elsie and Emma of A Beautiful Mess and the podcasts of Elise Blaha Cripe. These have got nothing to do with sketching, but I love researching bloggers in other industries.
- The common mantra is that you use social media to support your product, however I see my product (which at the moment is my teaching – online classes and local workshops) as a way of supporting my blogging!
- I will mention my classes frequently because they are the way that I am able to continue to provide free content to everyone and more importantly, because the concepts that I teach in them are a huge part of my daily sketching experiences. This connects me in an ongoing way with the readers that have done my courses.
- For me, the key is a commitment to providing quality free content, daily encouragement to keep sketching and personal engagement. Generosity rather than a hard sell.
James Gurney a blogger whom I greatly admire said a few things in a post last year that really struck a chord. I have to quote this whole section:
What I come away with is that the new digital arts economy is different in several fundamental ways compared to the old one. These differences are suggested by the following four paradoxes:
• You have to give something away in order to sell it.
• Some people will pay more than your asking price if you give them the option.
• Promote others if you want to advance your career.
• Share your trade secrets and you will benefit.
These principles seem counter intuitive to someone like me raised in the pre-digital arts economy. The differences arise because people buying digital content understand that they’re directly supporting the personal vision of the artist. They’re not just buying a product; they’re buying into a relationship.
6. My Blog and SketchingNow
I drew this diagram recently to clarify how I see the relationship between my online course which I charge for and my blog – how the two support each other.
Basically my blog is where I share the sketches of my life and the ideas I have during the experience of sketching. Although I might do a few ‘series’ and have periods when I share more detailed content, it is basically a dump of my art brain on a regular basis. Sharing the ups and down, and the crazy thoughts as I progress along my creative journey.
As I mentioned above, doing this helps me formulate new ideas but also the concepts behind what I do. My SketchingNow classes are where I put these together in a structured way so that I can pass it on to others. The more I do this, the easier it is for me to sketch more spontaneously (fast sketching is not laziness but rather confidence to simplify based on the development of my visual thinking).
The more I can sketch spontaneously, the more of my life I can record in sketches and so the cycle goes on!
7. Looking Forward
Finally just a few things on my radar for 2016 and beyond:
I have finally begun the process of formatting my blog the way I want, including a serious archive section. This is a major project happening behind the scenes, and I can’t wait for this to be achieved! It has been my dream for three years to put some time into my blog, not just into generating content.
I want to find a sustainable mix
– between schedules and spontaneous posts,
– between short and long posts (recently it has been long and longer!)
– between everyday sketches, product reviews and instructional posts.
But most of all, my goal is that by sharing my own creative journey on a regular basis I will inspire and encourage you to start or continue on yours.
How can you support me to continue to do this?
- Obviously my teaching is my main way of supporting myself at the moment, so enrolling in any workshop/online class is huge (thank you!!!) so is recommending them to others (another big thank you!!)
- Sharing the posts that you find helpful (on FB, Google+, Twitter etc) is great!
- Commenting here on my blog really keeps me going – it encourages me and I feel more engaged with you, my readers. However I know there is often not the time to comment, so just the fact that I can see people are reading my blog is a huge motivation to me to keep posting! The comments are a bonus!
So thank you, once again, for sharing this journey with me – there are some exciting things in store for 2016 and I would love for you to be part of them.
SketchingNow Online Sketching Courses: Foundations Self Directed course start today!
thanks Sandra – I hope you enjoy the course!
I found this a great post. I too tend to long blog post and have also been seduced by the quickness and chattiness of Facebook. For me the blog is great for articles and Facebook for snippets which is a distinction that works for me! I have been doings daily diary about my forthcoming show on my Facebook page Helen Conway Design and for some reason I couldn't imagine doing that on a blog even though it's all just typing on an iPad and adding an image or two! I haven't quite got my head around the difference in feel using WordPress v FB but is definately there. I also find that as I like my blog to my personal FB page I get all the comments on FB not on the blog itself which must make me look like Billy No mates when a new reader goes straight to the blog but actually I feel quite supported by readers on FB!!
Another advantage of FB is that it lets you edit your typos after you over enthusiastically press Publish too early! Sorry about those.
My first opportunity to learn from you was in Sketchbook Skool and I am not sure how it is that your blog escaped me at the time. I am also trying to figure out becoming a working artist (mostly with fiber, so this is a very timely post for me. I have added you on my blog list and hope to keep up and keep learning!
Liz, thank you for this post. I love the way your blog and "the business" side of things blend seamlessly and organically. I'm glad that you do your own thing and follow your own vision for how blogging should work for you. It is often hard to find an original in the sea of blogs out there and you are an original. I've taken your Foundations course and found it highly informative as well as encouraging. It pushed me forward on my own journey. Best wishes as all your new ideas take form in 2016! I look forward to it!
Thank you for all you share, Liz. I want to comment on vlogs – I don't like them. True, I've pretty much learned all I know about sketching from watching videos online, but I've learned how to think about what I'm sketching from blogs – from reading and considering other's words. Please continue to make your blog your major way of communicating with us and save videos for things that are purely educational and absolutely must be demonstrated. I learn most from the conversation.
Liz I'm so glad to hear you're moving your blog to WordPress. I use it for 2 blogs and it'll be much easier to follow you, and more interactive. You should find the archiving and indexing straightforward as well. This post of yours is a terrific exercise in clarifying what blogging is and what it can do – and how to do it well. Good luck with the new platform and I look forward to seeing you on WordPress!
Liz, thanks for this post and the wonderful newsletter. i am happy to see that you are starting Foundations Friday. i look forward to the getting back to the classes with you. and you go ahead and write whatever length post you want…they are always informative and interesting and a welcome find in my email each morning.
Liz, have you ever checked out Jack Laws website? He is in California and started his nature journalling classes and trips as something free for all. Over the years has built up hundreds of followers that now contribute to him as a donation each time he leads a walk or short class as well as his charging for workshops and longer classes.He would be a great person to contact about how he did this. I recently discovered you and love your work, AND look forward to signing up for your Foundations class.
Liz, I love your posts and always learn something from you. I hope you will continue to create online classes. I loved the two I enrolled in and again learned so much from you. I pray you have much success for a long time with your blog and I for one always look forward to hearing from you. Happy New Year maybe some day you will come our way and teach a class. One can hope. Mary
I really enjoy that your content in all of its forms span the range of social media and enable me to bounce around between them based on the time I have at hand. I can go to IG and review your work and that of others then when I have more time I can read the in-depth blogs which are enjoyable and informative. From each format I get a glimpse into your art and the style which got me back into sketching (principally architecture) and then led to the on-line classes. I think you've nailed it and I look forward to all of your content, regardless of platform. Thanks Liz.
thanks Stella!!! I must saying it is exciting to get more comments on my blog than on IG or FB!
thanks you Helena ( you never have to apologize for your english!)
Liz, I love blogs, particularly yours, and they have completely taken over my need to buy any sort of magazines. Blogging, to the standard that you do it, takes so much time and effort, it's good to read that you get lots out of it as well. I don't think there is anything wrong with making a living from blogging, or using your blog to support your courses, or vice versa. We've all got to eat. I've justed started your Foundations course, and am so impressed with the amount of content and the way you teach. Can't wait to get properly stuck in!
Oh! thanks so much Shirley!
I spend a lot of time thinking through stuff and then I just feel the urge to blog about it… the momentum is just there – I can't stop!! Ha!
thanks RaSonya!
Thanks Sketchbookblue – this post is the result of 18 months of research and a month kicking it around in my head- there is much more that I could write….
'professional' blogging sounds a little wrong, but that is in fact what I strive to be…. good term for it!
thanks – one of the things I am doing is moving to wordpress so a like function is on the list (maybe there is one on blogger too?? but the move is happening so I won't waste any time look for that!)
thanks Katie – agree blogs are much more editorial.
So true about FB… I was going to mention how FB controls what it thinks you want to see so it is nearly impossible to be sure that you are actually following someone!
Liz, you are the most educational, inspiring and incredible 'blogger' I know. How you can post these consistent and informative blogs is a mystery to me. You have marketed yourself very well on FB by posting your lovely teacups and talking about yourself and your art journey. After taking a SBS class in which you were one of the teachers, you had me hooked so I also took your Foundations course. Good persona and someone I greatly admire for going the distance and keeping a steady pace! Yup, I'm a fan!
Wonderful post Liz!! It is always a treat to see how others view the blogging process and get a glimpse of their workflow.
Hi Katherine!
Yes I know… it was certainly an option to split it! I have a back log of posts for the next two weeks so didn’t want to prolong this particular theme (might come back to it again though)
Splitting it would certainly generate more traffic… but I find when I do a series of posts that the first one has by far the most readers – have you noticed a similar drop off in readership? Add the strongest points to the first part?
I certainly know the 'one thought and 500 word limit per post’ rule and plan to stick to it for a while now! Truly!
BTW A little while back I read a few very good articles on how the occasional long post is a good thing and can do better than shorter ones. Love all the different theories.
Isn’t that quote by James Gurney the best – you are a wonderful example of those points – keep up your good work on your blog!
Yes Amazon is the affiliate program that I have been considering… I have a big Australian audience and we don’t generally buy from Amazon (Amazon don’t have an Australian site- only Kindles. We buy books from Book Depository) so that is one of the reasons I haven’t done anything about it yet. I certainly agree there is nothing wrong with it, just thinking about how good a fit it is.
Also, one thing I love about WordPress is that I get many "likes" from regular readers who enjoyed the piece but didn't have anything to say — and I like being able to do that as well. If you can do a "like" button on your blog you might find that encouraging. When I post, I get many more likes, menacing they came and read and saw, but didn't have anything to say — that is how I take it.
One thing blogs provide that other social media options don't is a sense of history and context – over time a huge body of knowledge is documented on a blog and that gives the reader a sense of the authors skill level and expertise. Also a reader can glean if someone is simply skipping from topic to topic or is thoroughly engaged with the activity. This provides a sense of authenticity which if you are wanting to sell them something is important for trust – On the internet developing trust is crucial.
I signed up for your Sketching Now course in minutes of hearing about it ( loved the course) – I did so because I had read your blog for years and I trusted you with my money. To me blogs are about constancy in a very flighty and often shallow social media rich world . Thanks for all you do
I like your blog posts. They are informative and I never get tired of you sketching in my home town. I now live in Oregon. The one comment I do have is to keep the posts to the right size so you don't lose the reader. A like button is also good idea. Blogs are good. One of my favorite blogs is Roz Stendahl's second is yours.
Blogging is not going to die but it is evolving, the process will not change (in-depth communication) but the look of it will (bells and whistles). I know about a dozen artist that let their site die when they went over to Facebook and ended up resurrecting their blog. Truth is if you want a web presence you need to be in several places, and content driven blogs will always be fine no matter which way the wind blows.
As far as Blogger, I know many people find the operating system is not as up to date as some of the newer kids on the block, but here is a point you may want to consider. Blogger has the entire Google world behind it, which is why it has been the most successful platform. If you buy a new shinny car make sure there is something under the hood. My analytics show that most people are searching with chrome on google and watching youtube.
Liz, I agree with many of the comments above and particularly am impressed with your generosity in sharing what you have learned. Thank you! I feel that it is important to support you and have participated in your online classes. I host a 'urban sketching' group at On my group's page I offer learning TIPS prior to sketching events which include specific blogs written by you and Marc Holmes among others. I also list your web site and online classes in a 'Resource' file. I hope that these have brought new readers and learners to your site.
Great blog post Liz. My only comment is I think it might have worked better as two or even three – e.g. 1-3; 4-5; 6-7 – so you give people more consumable chunks and get a tight focus on the topic in the title – plus you link backwards and forwards and grow your audience as you blog! 😉
I'm definitely with Mr Gurney.
I also don't think there's a problem with using Amazon links for books or products you use/associated with you – that you recommend – in moderation. People understand Amazon and a lot of people are comfortable buying there from people who recommend items.
Liz, I LOVE your blog. It was the first thing I clicked to when you came up in "seeing", and I read most of your blog over several days. I love it. I've learned so much and it's one of the first sites I check every morning!
I'm a freelance writer, and I know how much work it takes to keep a blog going–that's my main source of interaction with my readers. It really does provide a way to keep a conversation going and share information, thoughts, etc. that other social media platforms can't.
I agree with Katherine, too–I do not like vlogs at all. Partially because I'm hearing-impaired, but also because I'd much rather read what people are writing, and be able to print it off and keep it as reference if I need to. Vlogs are great for demonstrations, but I will always prefer the written word!
Thanks, Liz, for another informative and inspiring post! I have been following you since a SBS Kourse where you were an instructor, and this is the first time I have commented since then (a year and a half now? Time flies!) Anyway, what I wanted to say was thank you for inspiring me to pick up my blog writing again…I have a website that has pretty much become my online portfolio, where the blog lies stagnant and unused for weeks and even months at a time. I have been thinking a lot lately about my art and the pursuit of knowledge and how to better myself with regards to my chosen profession. This post fits right into all of the things I have been thinking about, and you've given me the kick in the pants for that end of things. I have now added a 'return to blogging' as another thing I need to do this year to improve my art over all. Thanks!
I learn so much from reading blogs, and although I use Instagram occasionally, it (nor Facebook) could never replace the more intensive content in blogs. If your goal is to encourage those of us who are beginning a sketching journey, it is certainly being met with me! Today's post has given me much thought about my own blog which is far less structured than yours. Thanks, again, for a thought-provoking post.
Liz, every day I look forward to reading your posts! I have them fed to my inbox, but probably 2/3 of the time, I click through and read on your blog since there are always other interesting links to follow 😉 But that also means that's even though I may not comment, there is also no record of my having been there to read the post. I appreciate so much the brilliant content, travel and life stories, and encouragement you provide those of us just starting into sketching.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll do in the coming year (a new online class? I've taken the first two), and also trying to figure out a way to get to Manchester! My son's family moved to England last summer and they live about 3 hours away. I just have to figure out a work/travel schedule that makes it possible!
Liz, what a great post you have written. So many things to think about. I'm eager waiting for a new workshop. And if not on a day by day I read more or less all your posts and learn a lot and they make me think on things I would't think at all. I love to learn and to create and with you I've learned a lot and have been working in a everyday basis. Sorry for my english. Thanks again.
Another fascinating and very useful post, Liz! I, also, much prefer the blog format to Instagram et al. as I like to read in-depth articles. Thanks for your insights.
Thanks for another wonderful installment in your blog… always…very knowledgeable, informative and generous….in-depth review on the considerations and decisions required to move from "amateur" to "professional" blogging and how it connects with every area of your life…. I too think that blogging is far from dead….still the best way to show your work and you have much greater control of the site….it's a visual diary open to anyone in the world with access to the web.
Really looking forward to 2016:)
I also prefer a good blog to instagram because I want my writing/art to be able to be viewed with anyone, not just those that can afford a $400 phone. Instagram is elitist — you can't even view it if you haven't got a phone. And FB is not destination oriented, and is hit and miss. It is fine for silliness and sharing with friends but if I am going to take the time to write something I want my audience to be able to find it and then find it later if they want to revisit. With a blog, I can have my coffee in the morning and read one of my favorite writers, and enjoy it, not unlike reading an editorial or some such thing.
Liz–just a thought. You might consider having a DONATE button for those who would be willing to donate money in appreciation for all the free advice and encouragement that they receive. I have seen this on other sites.
I love your blog! For me reading about and looking at nice pictures of your art is great because I'm deaf and learn more visually. I love how your videos in foundations are short and action packed but the written material is fantastic 🙂
thank you everyone so much for your comments… I will work through responding to everyone!
Hi Liz, your blog is one of the few blogs I visit nearly every day and I love to read it – even the long posts. I'm thankfull for your encouragement and your thoughts! Go on and have fun in 2016 – a happy new year to you. Manuela
Wow, Nos. 1 and 2 could have come from my mouth! 😉 All I can say is, keep on bloggin', Liz!
– Tina
thanks Maxine – all the best for becoming a working artist! It is scary but very exciting at the same time.
thanks Sylvia – glad you enjoyed Foundations!
Thanks so much Manuela – have a great 2016 too!
Thanks Audrina. I am glad that the SketchingNow format of video AND text is working for you!
thanks Jim – lots of good points. Agree that blog that are content driven are here to stay although we continue to evolve.
And I am looking into google + and youtube too (in my spare time)
thanks Tina – you too!
thanks Sharon!!! You make some great points. The history and context that blogs provide can not be matched by the other platforms and trust is HUGE! Authentic is the latest buzz word – the bad with the good.
Thanks so much CT! I am trying to develop each social media platform with slightly different content. It is a lot of fun… and I use IG – blogs in a similar way!
Thanks Patricia – will look up Jack Laws. Look forward to having you join Foundations!
thanks Deborah!!! and I can't wait to move to wordpress. I use it for my sketchingnow site so already know the ropes!
thanks so much Chris. My blog is my business (well the core of it) – discovering that last year was liberating.So it is a integral part of what I do. I hope to explore this theme more from time to time.
So great to hear that you enjoyed Foundations and it helps! Happy New Year to you too!
thanks Carmel – I am going into season of sticking to the golden rule of 500 words….
Ha! one of my goald for the upgraded blog is a better commenting system.
I know exactly what you are talking about, Helen. Until recently I had no comments (1 or 2) on my blog for most posts but I knew I was engaging with people – they were reading and they were commenting on FB. SO it didn't really matter.
I adjust my strategy with FB all the time depending on the type of content… and also establishing a good workflow with instagram is another thing I am developing. My blog has become much more thoughts and articles, and my IG and FB are spontaneous at the moment comments about my sketches.
thanks…something to add to my 'think about list'
thanks so much Carmela – it has been great having you in my courses and thanks for sharing links! All the best with your urban sketching group
Thanks so much Emily! Just replied to Katherine and agree with you about the written word!
Thanks Katherine! Great to hear your thoughts about vlogs. I agree that there is a lot of power in the written word – you can skim read and review much easier. Video has a lot of advantages (as you say, especially for demos/educational content) but can be tedious if not very concise and well edited.
thanks tamara for the first comment!!! all the best with your back to blogging goal for 2016!
thanks Stacey!!!!! Hope Foundations Friday will help others get back to / review the material.
thanks so much Karen!!! There are many different forms to blogging – it is all about finding something that works for you. I like the once a week approach too! (of course I am addicted to it!)
thanks Mary – I hope I can continue to do online classes for many years as I love them SO much.
where do you live? so I can add it to my 'one day to visit' list!
Hi Janet – so lovely to know that you are clicking around if not commenting!
Yes, another course this year – super excited about this one!
Hope you can make it to Manchester!
Hi Liz, I enjoy your blog a lot! When I first heard about your Foundations class, I was a little skeptical and hesitant to sign up. I was worried that it would be a lot of hype and not much content. It turned out to be much better than I expected! I think you could put new followers like myself at ease if you announced the cost of the classes upfront. I found it odd that the cost wasn't listed. I also think that a money-back guarantee would encourage more people to sign up.
Liz, Thank you for this. You always seem to post on what I was just mulling over in the shower! (Coloring book phenomenon comes to mind).
When you posted this the other day, I'd just been pondering commercialism online and how to honestly offer something true and rich and alternative to that. I'm tired of the hype and don't want to bother blogging if I just jump on that bandwagon. You indeed are an inspiration in that regard.
But I'm also struck that it's such a privilege to share ideas and images so effortlessly. The work is real but relative.
Around 2002 I sold an article to a national magazine and paid the proceeds to a young developer to build me a website. A continent away, even changing the shade of purple background (oh dear, yes) was a mind-numbing process — little content went up. Ten years ago I paid (huge bucks) for a course to learn to code … and code … and code. Little content. Then I got a self-hosted WordPress blog and like a beginner guitarist spent most of my writing time tuning it up and fixing update muddles. All this while with six children, one of whom had an ongoing medical crisis. Fortunately sketchbooking was keeping me sane but it was just too much to also write about it.
A year ago I took your live Foundations class and it tipped me over into sketching more frequently, gathering tools with more purpose (yay!) and now finally writing consistently at
Thank you for being such an inspiration through both your sketching and your blogging.
Hello Liz,
I look forward to every single post, and I really loved what you said here about blogging. I have two blogs, one for art documentation of my own journey, and one for the business side of art. I think there is a whole lot of us, that love reading blogs, for the shear joy of reading what another artist has to say about what they are passionate about. Twitter, and incomplete thoughts are not for all of us. A juicy blog post (or series!) for example on Fountain Pens, is just what we need! And speaking of that, thank you SO much for your in depth look at fountain pens…I know it was a lot of work on your part, but it gave us all such good information, and it came at just the right time…I was looking for my very first fountain pen!! I settled on the Pilot Metropolitan (one for me and hubby) and we both LOVE them so much! He uses his for taking beautiful smooth handwritten notes, and I use it for drawing faces.
Thank you again, for what you do here. Your hard work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. And your Foundations class is on my list!!!
All the best,
Just a couple of quick thoughts, then I have to run out the door 🙂 Thank you for blogging and sharing what you do so generously. I love blogs for all of the reasons that you mentioned. Much preferred over Facebook or Instagram. I also know that you are supporting yourself through your workshops (online and in-person) and I think that the combination of your free blog and your income-producing courses is a great combination. We all understand the need for earning a living !!! I have signed up for both Foundations and Edges and am continuing to very very slowly work through them. Life keeps getting in the way. But… I have learned so much. Thank you for all that you do. Sending good thoughts for a wonderful 2016 from half-way across the world. What would we do without the Internet ?????
thanks Susan!!! So glad you are learning from my course – they are there whenever you have time!
Hi Roberta – thanks for your comments. I too love reading a good well thought out lengthy post and feel that you connect so much more through the written word. It is easy to click and like continually through the day… anything that makes you slow down is good!
SO glad to here about you and your husband loving your pens! Yay!
thanks Michelle!! Great minds think alike hey?
Really great to here your story… I think we go through seasons sometimes we can share a lot, other times less… but it is good if we can keep something still going.
Your blog looks great and glad you are back into it! Have fun!
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