In Melbourne again after 8 years!

July 1, 2024 | 3 Comments

I’ve been in Melbourne for the past week and a half and I’m absolutely loving it!

The purpose of the trip was to spend time with friends (non-sketching friends) and work on a new project – more about this soon!

I’ve managed to do a lot of quick sketching and do a number of versions of my favourite building in Melbourne – Flinders St Station. This visit I’ve sketched it seven times! I’m a little sad that it has been repainted since my last visit (way back in 2016) as I really miss the mustard yellow colour. But I’m still obsessed with sketching it.

I really love sketching in Melbourne. There are so many interesting scenes to sketch both in the city and further afield. And of course the cafe culture in Melbourne means that there is always a good coffee nearby so that I can recharge my batteries and warm up after a lot of sketching out on location. It’s much colder down here!

I’m coming home tomorrow and so my Monthly Digest/Newsletter (which normally goes out at 8pm Sydney time on the first Tuesday of the month) will be delayed by a few days. Details of this new project will be shared in the July edition of my Monthly Digest – sign up here if you don’t already get it.


  • Ginie Udy says:

    Can’t wait!

  • London Yazgan says:

    Ooooh, wonderful! I love all the shades of green that you layered for the dome — so vibrant! 😀 <3

  • Jacqueline says:

    I miss my hometown (Melbourne) with all my heart. I’ll be going back later this year. I plan on sketching there too! Just need some confidence to be seen drawing in public. ?

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