Happy Holidays

December 24, 2019 | 14 Comments

Happy Holidays to everyone! I hope that whatever you do, you have a lovely time this week.

This Christmas tree is loosely based on a shopping centre (mall) tree I saw in my travels today as I don’t have a tree myself. I was testing out one of the new White Nights metallic watercolours (Antique Gold mixed with DS Quin Gold) so this sketch sparkles in real life. A Xmas tree is a fun subject to paint and a good opportunity to play!


Some of you might know that I don’t observe Xmas day as a religious event and don’t make a big fuss about having a big family day.

The reasons for those two shocking statements are:

1. Although I’m a Christian, I don’t observe Christmas as we are not told to observe Christ’s birth in the Bible. I do believe we are to observe one day in seven – the Lord”s Day as a day of rest and worship commemorating His rising from the dead. I personally think it’s a much better deal to have a special day once a week!!! (And BTW I’m totally convinced my weekly day of rest and reset is the secret why I get some much done – I can work hard for 6 days in a row as I have a weekly rest and spiritual recharge every Sunday – it’s wonderful!)

2. I don’t need to be with my family on the 25th and sometimes I am travelling overseas on my own. We have many great times together during the year but do try to catch up sometime in December – normally on the 25th or 26th. I don’t need presents as I feel that having the family I do is better than anything money can buy.


I know that it can be really tough for people without family or those who are coming to terms with the recent passing of loved ones, or are suffering illness. I have just a few minutes ago received a sad email about a follower who is very very ill at the moment, and it’s a good reminder of the important things.

So sending you all a big virtual hug for the holiday season.





  • Carmel Campbell says:

    Happy Holidays … thank you for sharing…I may not say much but I read every post…((hugs))

    • Liz Steel says:

      thanks Carmel – have a wonderful Christmas week. And thanks for all your comments this year – you do comment more than most!!! Hugs back 🙂

  • Sherri Carneal says:

    Happy Holidays Everyone!!

  • Arlene Lennox says:

    Holiday hugs to you too, Liz! You have been a major inspiration to me.

  • Deb Cannavo says:

    Hello Liz,

    I really enjoy your posts and receive much inspiration from your sketching.

    I’m just wondering where in the Bible it tells us not to observe Christ’s birth.

    I’m a Christian too.

    • Liz Steel says:

      Hi Deb,

      I believe the Bible teaches what is called the regulative principle when it comes to worshipping God. As He is a Holy God we need to follow his specific instructions when we offer worship to Him. So I look for specific instructions and do that rather than look for prohibitions. There are references to meetings on the first day of the week and Lord’s Day, which implies the celebration of His resurrection.

      I don’t judge anyone who observes it at all but for me the question is: Where in the Bible does it say to observe the birth of Christ?

      Also Christmas seems to have pagan origins rahter than being something the Apostle did.

      As I wrote above, I think giving God one day in 7 is a better deal! So that’s what I personally do.

      I hope you have a lovely Christmas!

  • Marta Raaka says:

    That makes sense to me, Liz!
    I sure am glad that I found you on the SketchbookSkool site so many years ago. Your classes and posts continue to inspire me and keep me engaged in sketching. I really appreciate how much you share without making it complicated for us, online!
    I hope that we might meet again at the next Symposium. . .

  • Teresa Quiring says:

    Merry Christmas Liz! I enjoyed reading your article about why you have downsized Christmas. I too am a born-again believer and have drastically downsized Christmas. We stopped having a Christmas tree the year My first child was born in 1984 because we were so caught up with having a new baby that we just totally forgot having a tree and afterwards realized we didn’t even miss it. I enjoy all your insights about sketching and the materials that you’re using. I may never meet you in this life, I look forward to meeting you in the next! Happiest of New years.

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