Getting excited about my B- reading list
I don’t expect most of you are interested in treasures from my architectural library…but for the few that are…
Here are the books I pulled out in preparation for my B-list of architects..ah! borromini, brunelleschi, bernini, bramante (no book on him!) AND right in the middle Marcel Breuer ie. the Architecture without Rules book)
Particularly interesting are the 3 books on the right…Harbison, Rowe and Hersey. Haven’t read all of the first 2 but Hersey I have read twice (a bit mathematical but fascinating!)
I don’t intend to read all these but it is nice to pull out some books and flick through them. Ah! I used to read a lot at night before I started sketching and sharing online!
I should also mention that I have read Blunt on Borromini more than once! But you would expect that! I think that there is a newish book on Borromini out – does anyone know what it is – there is a desperate need for a decent book on him- the bear agrees!
1 Comment
Dear Liz,
Congratulations for your collection. I LOVE BERNINI. Regarding your search for the latest about Borromini, I will take a close look on it while in Rome sketching with Mario Linhares (Lisbon, remember?), who is organizing a group trip to the eternal city in the end of march.
Hope to see you in Santo Domingo!
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