Everyday sketches during a busy period

May 15, 2023 | 2 Comments

Normally when I’m putting a new SketchingNow online course together I struggle to find much time for my everyday sketching. But at the moment as I work on Teacups I’m really happy with the amount I’m managing to fit into my day. And how colourful my pages are!

This is mainly because I’ve linked sketching with my other routines and so even though I’m super busy I still manage to do a few sketches each day. So it’s mainly been Village Green scenes (during my morning walk, coffee and dose of sun) and teacup sketches (during my short tea-breaks).

So here are some of my recent everyday sketches.



If you missed it I did a live sketchbook tour of this sketchbook last week – watch the replay here.

I hope your everyday sketching is going well at the moment!


  • Jamie C says:

    Loved the live sketchbook tour, and I still really love seeing these posts, too. Always my favorites! I am sad to report my own everyday sketching really fell off when I got sick in April and I’m just now starting to feel more like myself again. It’s like I’ve utterly forgotten how to do everyday sketches and need to relearn. Good thing Teacups begins this week! It gives me a ready to hand subject to focus on! (Also, apologies for the comment storm. I’m catching up! <3 )

    • Liz Steel says:

      HI Jamie – I’m catching up on my replies!!! 🙂 I hope you are enjoying Teacups and your sketching is back on track 🙂

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