Another sketch from before my break… this was done during a catchup with Esther. Every zoom call we sketch a different castle – this time it was Aldourie Castle near Inverness.
I decided to start with some loose washes of watercolour that roughly related to the photo. I was alos playing with some plasterboard (drywall) tape for texture and collage. I forgot to take a photo before I started drawing, but you get the general idea with this.
I really love the unexpected layering of colours…
… and the texture from the tape.
I also enjoyed drawing over dark green watercolour with pink coloured pencil.
BTW1: this sketch is one of the reasons why I’m suddenly using coloured pencils again. (And a huge thanks to everyone who left a comment on my last article on coloured pencils – every comment is super helpful – thanks!!!)
BTW2: this sketch was done as part of my Sketchbook Design course Lesson1… and we had a fun chat about it during Livestream 3 a few weeks ago. 🙂
Here is the finished sketch. This was really fun to do!
Hi Liz, wonderful texture idea using the plasterboard tape. Now I know what to do with our leftover tape! Looking forward to having a play. Interesting that you used it as collage as well as texture. I’d love to know how well it adhered to the paper. Your pink pencil over dark green is so effective. Which of your pencils did you use to get such good coverage. Looking forward to Buildings!!!
Hi Jane, the pencil was a pink Derwent Artist and in the end I removed the tape from my page… so don’t know how adhesive it would be in the longterm.
Hi Liz! So good to re-find you! Somehow I haven’t been keeping up with your sketching and news, but so glad to be back now. Beautiful work as always! And you’re still sketching with Esther; our day together in Paris is such a good memory.
Hi Jan!!!!! I still get your emails (just reading about your exhibition – congrats). It feels like a lifetime ago when we were sketching in Paris. Hope somewhere somehow we can catch up again!
That would be great. Maybe in a few years when I’m allowed to visit Sydney again ???
Or when I’m able to leave 🙂 You are not that further north than Port Macquarie 🙂
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