A truly amazing day visiting Girona and being shown around by some of the local USKers.
Group Photo from L to R
Chris H and me (Sydney) Jessie Chapman (Virginia USA)Franceso (Griona), Omar Jaramillo (Berlin) David (Girona) Chris Ruiz Velasco (CA USA) at front: Jason Das (NY USA) Toni (Girona)
Special thanks to Jessie for organising us and to the locals David, Francesco and Toni… we really love your beautiful city and appreciate the time you took to show it to us! So much to see and sketch – so many dramatic streetscapes and views. Wow! I was overwhelmed!
So here are all my pages as I managed to fill during the day – it was one of those tourist sightseeing days with a group … and a challenge to sketch – never sure how long you will have or when you can squeeze a sketch in…so some of these were rushed! I like the variety …using water soluble tools are really useful when you only have minutes to get the essence of a sketch down on paper….
Day visit to Girona, a set on Flickr.
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