Back Home with new tools and new ideas

August 10, 2017 | 5 Comments

I really wanted to do the occasional blog post while I was away, however it was just too hectic in both Chicago and Montreal to even think about writing an article here!

But I’m now back home, with three sketchbooks to share and lots of ‘stuff’ to go through. Stuff being both new sketchbooks, pens, pencils, brushes, paint etc (mainly from the Urban Sketchers Symposium sponsors) and also ideas/thoughts inspired by other USKers who I hung out with.

I arrived home yesterday morning after a 36 hour journey (door to door) and did this sketch from my balcony during the mid-afternoon in order to keep the jet-lag at bay. I used a different brush than usual (yes, not my dagger brush) and had a few new thoughts going around in my head at the time. But you will just have to stay tuned for more details!

Anyway, I hope to start sharing my sketches and my takeaways from the trip really soon, but I just wanted to let you all know that I’m back and my regular articles will resume.


  • Bernadette says:

    So good to have you back in the saddle again! I am anxious to learn of all the “new stuff” you’ve brought back to share with all who follow you. Rest first. We ‘ll be here waiting.

    • Liz Steel says:

      Thanks Bernadette – I am not sure how much time I will have to play with the new stuff, but I wil definitely share what it is 🙂

  • Nice to see you back on your own turf. It was great meeting you in Chicago and I thoroughly enjoyed your workshop. I tried to keep my blog going while I was there and was so tired in the evening (sometimes midnight) when I got back to my room, that I just couldn’t tackle posting from my iPad.

  • Glad you’re back home safe and sound. Been following your Instagram feed with excitement and look forward to all the thoughts, ideas, memories and sketches you have to share.

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