Yesterday afternoon I had a chore afternoon. When I get back from a trip I always seem to have a line of appointments … and catching up with friends!
As per last post I am trying to rest my left hand as much as possible for a week – that means sketching with my right hand. (I just find it too hard to stop sketching altogether. My creative juices need some outlet and I am in a great believer in doing regularly) So yesterday I had two occasions (cafe visits!) for sketching in public using my non dominant hand. It was a lot of fun and surprisingly comfortable. I can’t say easy because my ellipses are wonky but as I was working mainly from my shoulder the control of my wrist wasn’t an issue. The only other time I tried painting with my right hand I found control of water a real issue(way too much water)… but this did not seem to be an issue at all yesterday. In fact I was getting more dry brush which I like a lot!
Although I draw and write with my left hand, my right hand/arm has the strength and do everything (except for use a needle and thread) with my right…I am not a true leftie. So it is not a total switch for me.
In fact I have been wanting to use my right hand more every since a dinner in Barcelona last July. I was sitting next to Barry Jackson, one of the instructors in the USK symposium. He was drawing with left and using a water brush with his right at the same time. So I am happy to be more or less forced to try this!
What was interesting is that I had to turn my palette the other way round and of cause my equipment needed to be on my right, and the left hand used to pick up the teacup…but that also felt reasonably comfortable!
This sketch was done at one of the T2bars – it has taken me nearly a year to get around to have a tea at one of the takeaway tea bars that T2 decided to start when they closed the tearoom… sigh! I do miss that tearoom- the wonderful staff, the environment of the teahouse and all those fancy cups!
Certainly very enjoyable experience and I am looking forward to do some serious painting with my right hand tomorrow at the USK SYD event at QVB – would love to see you if you are free! BTW everyone is welcome at these events – you do not need to have reached a certain ‘level’ but you do need to have a willingness to have a go, to share and not compare, and be ready to be inspired not overwhelmed… if that all makes sense.
Yesterday I also did this quick sketch while waiting in the queue to pick up my visa for Brazil… surrounded my soccer talk! This was done in my left hand but I am holding my pen extremely loosely. I was rather pleased with the lady on the left. You can see my loose style of writing as well. (writing with my right hand would be another adventure totally)
And BTW, I left my sketchbook at home yesterday so bought a few sheets of loose paper to work on for the day.
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