Heading out to the streets of Crows Nest

August 9, 2011 | Leave your thoughts

It does seem strange that despite being relatively fearless when it comes to sketching in very public locations when I am on holidays…. I am scared to sketch on the streets of Crows Nest where I work. I might be spotted by someone I know – a colleague, a consultant, a project manager, a client!!!!…why does this bother me so much? Some days if I am wearing a business suit it would be a little odd to be seen sitting on my sketching stool in a prominent location… surely post-Lisbon there should be a change!

So…starting today I am going to overcome this fear.

Today, on way back from the supermarket, I drew from a bus stop bench…

Felt very nervous and was rushing and using a different brush (larger and softer than the usual) so the result is extremely loose.

It is a start!

I also often think that there is nothing much to draw where I work…

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