I have an idea (classic statement of mine!) to try to get into work early a few mornings a week and do a quick sketch as a good way to start my day. If I recall correctly Le Corbusier used to spend all morning painting and then turn up at the office afterwards…. Well I am not going to do that BUT there is something about using watercolour paints that gets my creative juices pumpin’!
After three days in a row: I am really enjoying getting in to work early in order to do a sketch before I start my day when the office is empty. The key to achieving this is not to switch my computer on at home and not look at it in the office before I have completed my sketch. Didn’t have quite as much time this morning so went for a super fast sketch with my fat pencil. I have been thinking lately that I should go back to using pencil sometimes – I hate smudging but there are other advantages…..
Last week I also did these last week…
Thursday: A quick (25 min) sketch this morning to start my day and to highlight my current short comings in drawing interior perspectives – I am too lazy to do them properly.
Friday – tried something a bit simpler this time – still a number of errors in this one (the size of the table and chair and the perspective in the stools) …but it is a part of a process of constant improving
I am intrigued by the concept of a diagonal vanishing point used for defining squares. I discovered it looking at a book on perspective called Vanishing Point – I never came across this in my architecture training (that is not saving much) and cant seem to recall reading about it in other books on the subject. It really helped me define the depth of the perspective and fits in with my way of sketching buildings – which is to look for squares.
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