• Three down. 21 to go 🙂 What a fab thing you knitting again. Now just please let your mum know that the only mistake in the entire book is in Rosie Posy. The base should read K2P2 all the way through. Murphy’s Law and all that. I’ve been checking your blog all week waiting for more of your Sydney sketches and then that great plethora! (With a bit of tea cosy nonsense added.)

  • freebird says:

    These are super Liz. Yes, I can see you illustrating future tea cosies for a book. They make a very interesting addition to a photo of them.

  • Spinneretta says:

    oooh Lovely- I just knitted a couple for a friend 🙂 I was very proud of one (I even took photos) the other… well, nobody’s perfect 😉

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